Sunday, January 13, 2008

Survivor Family

It's day 2 of my 2 weeks with dad, and we are doing OK. I have made a new site (Freewebs) and at this very moment my blog is being posted on it. It's KismetCried. Explanation for the macabre name is on the site.
Anyhow, I have discovered that helping to cook every day of the week is very hard. Bah. But I am sort of surviving. I miss having someone to do all that stuff most days though.
My birthday is coming up. I have sent out invitations. But I still have to verbally invite some other friends. Oh well.
Anyways, this is a short post. To make up for it's shortness I'll put in a picture.

There! all done!
Big Toe Says: Careful. We don't want to learn from this.