Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Halloween's Tomorrow!

Oh, no. We are going to have a major candy attack here. Watch out!

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I haven't posted for a while, so I thought I would.
Halloween is coming up.... I'm not going out this year, though. I'm staying at home and eating candy instead. However, we will decorate the house and carve pumpkins and stuff.
Some pictures of cool pumpkins I found on the internet.

Isn't he cute??????

Wowwwww.... It looks so real!

A mom on my street makes a pumpkin like this every year!

Well, Happy Halloween! Stock up on candy, not raisins!

Friday, October 19, 2007

I really have a dilemma

My head is spinning. I'm really not sure what I should get with my money.
Should I:
1. Wait
2. Wait and buy something small just for fun
3. Buy the 4gb nano tomorrow.
4. Wait and save for the 8gb nano.

AHHHHHHHHH!!! Help me!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

For Goodness Sakes!

I am really very confused. I might need some sort of safari explorer to help me hack through the jungle maze that is my mind.
Big Toe is no help at all. He is off muttering quotes about cookies.
I still have a full ten boxes of Girl Guide Cookies to sell, buy them PLEASE!!! Never mind that they taste disgusting, give me a stomach ache, and on top of it all, cost $4. Did you know that for $4, you can buy twice as much of regular old store bought vanilla-filling-and-chocolate-on-the-outside cookies? Yes, folks, just a simple trip to the grocery store could get you twice as much cookies (Oreos, perhaps) for almost half the price!
Oh, yes, AND in the Drama class I go to, we are doing the play Horton Hears A Who! Here is a picture of the book:
Never mind that we're all much to old to have read the book in the last 3 years (although I must confess I do still watch the movie at Christmastime.) This Sunday we are choosing the parts, and I want to be the evil eagle. Not because he's evil, it's just I'd really like a chance to flap around someplace without attracting funny looks. Look, I know it's weird. But it's either that or I could be a Wickersham brother.
Poll: Given the choice between a huge great flapping eagle and a huge great purple gorilla, which would you choose?
a) the eagle
b) the gorilla
Sign the guestbook if you have an answer.
Big Toe has finally gotten himself together and come up with a quote.
Big Toe says: Green Eggs and Ham? What kind of Doctor writes about Green Eggs and Ham?
Thank you, Toe-toro, for that, um, enlightening quote.

Friday, October 12, 2007

End of the Week relief

YAY! It's the end of the week.
We are having a nice dinner.
I am not yet crazy.
"Look, I know this is a pretty pointless post, but please...."
Big Toe says: Free at last!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Super Happy Thanksgiving!

Oh boy! It's the turkey holliday!
At my house we don't actually celebrate Thanksgiving, but everyone makes such a big deal out of it. So I have to take notice.
Three ways to celebrate Thanksgiving:
1. With a big huge meal and a big whopping cake and coffee and stuff.
2. With pizza.
3. Not at all.
Normally my mom just cooks a nice meal. Like always (except when she's really stressed and we have takeout.) I always thought it would be nice to have roast chicken or something, but only because I really like to eat roast chicken and Thanksgiving's a good excuse.
Three reasons why a it's better to eat chicken on Thanksgiving:
1. Chickens are smaller (I can't imagine my family of 3 eating a hugh big bird like a turkey, can you?)
2. Chickens take less time to cook.
3. I like chickens!!! (this reason should be good enough for you.)
Anyhow, I have to go and see if I can at least bargain for a Thanksgiving desert.
Big Toe says: What we're really talking about is a wonderful day set aside on the fourth Thursday of November when no one diets. I mean, why else would they call it Thanksgiving?

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Grow Island!!

I've found a new game I really like! It's called Grow Island, and it has buttons that you click and see what happens to your island. If you click them in the right order, you will get a really high-tech island. (note: it took me 4 tries to get this right!) Here is the link:
Link: http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/687/shibakougamejz2.swf

Saturday, October 6, 2007

It's Raining, It's POURING!

Saturday! I did skip a day, but never mind about that.
I have two things to say.
One: Today I went Girl Guide Cookie selling. The mint kind. In the rain. Joy!!!! Actually, it wasn't that bad (surprise, surprise) because a whole lot of people like the chocolatey mint thins or whatever it's called. Personally, I like the classic cookies, because they have two flavours. But anyway, I thought I'd compile list of strange responses I got from people I sold cookies to (or rather, tried to, because these are only strange rejection answers.) I will also add a comentary.

"I don't eat cookies. I'm not a cookie monster." (Ha! It's probably a good idea.)
"Are you trying to force me off my diet?" (No, but we'd like you to buy a box, anyway.)
"No, thank you." ( I know this doesn't seem too remarkable, but VERY FEW people actually say this.)
"It's bad for the kids." (Probably is. But then, why are we supposed to sell them?)
"Have you ever looked at the ingredients list of thoses cookies?? They are very, very unhealthy!" (So true.)

I actually agree with most of the people who didn't want to buy any, but it's not a very good selling point to say so. And I still have 12 boxes to sell. (Note: If you'd like to buy some, please comment on this post and they'll be mailed to you shortly.)
Uneventful day otherwise, except I saw the new ipod nano at London Drugs and I REALLY, REALLY, want one.
Is it not pretty?
Big Toe says: A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand

Thursday, October 4, 2007

A New Story

I'm writing a story! Well, so I only have the ideas yet. But anyways, when I do actually get around to writing it, I will post it in my blog. And then the whole world will know about it.

Big Toe Says: If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.
So true, Toe, so true.

Oh, wait. I haven't put in a picture yet.

That's all!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A Physiological Moment

Bear with me, these don't happen very often.
I was thinking about changing the name of my blog on the header. Is my life Super Happy? Is ANYBODY'S Life REALLY Super Happy?
I don't know.
What I do know, though, is that I'd like my life to be super happy. so there.

Wednesday. Yay!

Well, yesterday I sang myself silly and hoarse. But I'm more interested in playing computer games today.
Here are some I played yesterday:
Mind Tree
Escape the Green Room
However, if I made a full list it would probably bore you and Big Toe to death, and then I wouldn't have a quote. So.
Out here in WetWorld it's really living up to its name. Boy, is it wet. It's so wet I've decided to find a new raincoat. And change everything in my wardrobe to waterproof.
I didn't actually have to go out today, but on Saturday I have to go and sell Girl Guide Cookies. Joy. I really want to be trying to sell strange mint things-that-are-supposed-to-be-cookies-but-are-really-something-else to a bunch of health nuts. But wait. Would YOU like to buy a box (or two or three or maybe all of them?)
Anyhoo, it seems like it gets dark at 5 every day (it's about 4:30 now and already it's starting to get gray) and I always used to say that fall is my favorite time of year because I'm a bit allergic to pollen so spring is a night mare, but this is just too much. There aren't even any nice red leaves yet.

Big Toe says: The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain.
Me: OH YEAH???????

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The New Layout

I was trying to make a new layout today, as I know how to make websites, and....
I'm increasing the suspence.
It didn't work.
However, I rather liked the image I compiled, so I decided to post it here:

I used Photoshop, and a bunch of copyright-free images.
It's just that for now, as I have to dash.
Big Toe Says: Zzzzzzzzzzz....
I apologise for the laziness of my quote machine, he hasn't had his morning coffee.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Posts for Sunday and Monday

Oh, boy, did I have an interesting Sunday.
I went swimming. Normally that's a good thing, and it was pretty fun, because the pool we went to had a slide. But think about this: If you were carsick, the last place you'd want to be was in a swimming pool where there was so many people it was almost impossible to actually swim. Right? Not to mention that:
There must have been 2 birthday parties going on at the same time.
I swallowed a full 2 cups of highly watered chlorine up my mouth and nose.
There were about 20 little babies screaming.
Yay! A REAL super happy fun time, don't you think?
Besides that, though, nothing of interest.

Monday. You know those times when you really, really want something? Well, I really want a caramel donut. NOW. I'm SOO tired, I 've watched the same youtube video (the icing people) five times, and tonight at Pathfinders we are supposedly giong to have a "fun" day. Yippee.

Big Toe says: “I owe it all to little chocolate donuts.”
Big Toe says: "I hate swimming pools."