Saturday, October 6, 2007

It's Raining, It's POURING!

Saturday! I did skip a day, but never mind about that.
I have two things to say.
One: Today I went Girl Guide Cookie selling. The mint kind. In the rain. Joy!!!! Actually, it wasn't that bad (surprise, surprise) because a whole lot of people like the chocolatey mint thins or whatever it's called. Personally, I like the classic cookies, because they have two flavours. But anyway, I thought I'd compile list of strange responses I got from people I sold cookies to (or rather, tried to, because these are only strange rejection answers.) I will also add a comentary.

"I don't eat cookies. I'm not a cookie monster." (Ha! It's probably a good idea.)
"Are you trying to force me off my diet?" (No, but we'd like you to buy a box, anyway.)
"No, thank you." ( I know this doesn't seem too remarkable, but VERY FEW people actually say this.)
"It's bad for the kids." (Probably is. But then, why are we supposed to sell them?)
"Have you ever looked at the ingredients list of thoses cookies?? They are very, very unhealthy!" (So true.)

I actually agree with most of the people who didn't want to buy any, but it's not a very good selling point to say so. And I still have 12 boxes to sell. (Note: If you'd like to buy some, please comment on this post and they'll be mailed to you shortly.)
Uneventful day otherwise, except I saw the new ipod nano at London Drugs and I REALLY, REALLY, want one.
Is it not pretty?
Big Toe says: A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand