Of course, the very minute I come back home, it starts to rain. And it rains and rains. Joy.
It's actually okay compared to monsoons and stuff, and at least I'm not camping. (The last time I went tent camping it rained for the entire 2 days. Moisture, Yuck!)
It's really nice to back home and to see my dad and stuff, but I kind of miss having a big family. My aunt and uncle and co. are moving into my Nana's house, and so they are around after work.
I found this lovely picture of rain so you know just what you're missing.
Nice, huh? I bet umbrellas don't even work there.
Big Toe says: I'm all wet.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Rain. Again. What Monotony.
Posted by Super-Happy-Girl at 8:11 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 25, 2008
Much Whining about not really anything.
As I said in my last post, there has been too much whining.
I think I'll go get a cookie.....
I have absolutely nothing to talk about. Oh heck. I'll define a word then.
Camera, noun.
A device for recording visual images in the form of photographs, movie film, or video signals.
Or, in other words, something that my dad has NO idea how to use.
He actually bought a new camera a few months ago, and a video to learn how to use it. I now have the family's old digital camera (which I left at home to prevent breakage of the lenses and other funny bits) that has about 20% of the features on Dad's. Argh. And he still asks me how to turn the dial from play to auto.
My friend O (initial to protect privacy) has one of the hugest, most professional cameras in history. It's great and she takes wonderful photos.
Me? I should just stick to graphic design.
Posted by Super-Happy-Girl at 11:46 AM 0 comments
Okay, that last post didn't make that much sense.
Oh well.
For all you people back home, we're flying home on Saturday. Wish us luck
Posted by Super-Happy-Girl at 11:43 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
We have a house. Ding! We have a house. DING! Our house is nice. DINGGGGG!!! I like it like it like it! DINGGGGGGG!!!!!!
Posted by Super-Happy-Girl at 4:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Wow, I haven't posted for MONTHS
I am in Ontario looking for a house with my Mom, and I think I am pretty qualified to give you some DON'TS if You are selling your house.
1. NO underwear on the floor. It does not look artful. At all.
2. NO unsightly holes in the wall. Yuck.
3. NO garbage such as candy wrappers lying around.
4. NO really old furniture.
5. You should NOT be cooking lunch when the people come to visit and look at your house.
See? NEVER!!!!
Here is a video to brighten your day!
Posted by Super-Happy-Girl at 11:19 AM 0 comments